Arbor Place Plein Air – Painting for Recovery
Arbor Place Plein Air is a new and unique event being held to raise funds for and awareness of the services offered at Arbor Place, Inc.
Plein air is a French term which translates to “open air”– essentially, painting outdoors. Painting en plein air is an artistic tradition dating to the French Impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, Pissaro, and their forefathers. It is our goal to capture the beauty of Dunn County with paint on canvas, all while supporting an essential institution within the community.
The painting portion of the competition will begin 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 31st and will conclude at 12:00 PM Friday, April 6th. Painters can submit up to 3 pieces painted en plein air within Dunn County.
There will be a reception and awards ceremony held at The Raw Deal 603 Broadway St S, Menomonie, WI starting at 6:00 PM Friday, April 6th. There will be a 35% commission on all sales, with proceeds going to Arbor Place, Inc. Artists will have the option to donate a higher percentage to Arbor Place if they would like. These pieces will be marked to let buyers know of the artists’ donation.
Please consider joining us as a competing artist or guest at the reception!
Click here for Detailed Event Information